Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May Garden Update

When not writing pithy postings, I am usually out in the garden frantically trying to get everything done in between rain showers.  So here is a picture-strewn posting of where we are at in the garden.  I would have included the ten or so strawberries that were ripe, but a certain two-year old denuded the beds of anything remotely red.

Tomato's are doing well, these ones in front are Amish Paste and Roma grown from seed

Blue Lake Pole Beans are finally up!
Planted in front of the beans is Calendula officinalis, an old world marigold mentioned in British herbals.  They are both used as a medicine and are edible. Seeds from Nichols Nursery

 Broccoli is doing well under its light row cover - not one sign of any cabbage moths yet.  Yeah!  Almost time to increase the height of my tubing though.

 First row planted of corn is coming up - took about 8 days - 
This is golden Bantam - an open pollinated non-hybrid corn from the early 1900's
Germination temp is supposed to be 80 degrees - I cheated by increasing the soil temp with row cover

Grapes are finally leafing out - this is a real learning curve for me, so stay tuned as I figure out how to grow these - using our Master Gardeners as a resource

Second year for the Marionberries - this patch is just covered with blossoms!

These are Tall telephone (Alderman) peas, an heirloom variety, open pollinated - pods are about a week away from being ready to pick.  Oregon sugar pods have not started blooming yet, but I have high hopes for them - if we could just get some sun...

Time to start cutting back and harvesting my sage

The above pic shows the first stage in my succession planting for salad makings.  From left to right, you see Nichols Mesclun Mix, Chantenay Red Core Carrots, and Champion Radishes.  I will plant a section about every two - three weeks.  these are two weeks old, so will plant three more sections this weekend.  that way I constantly have a supply of salad makings - and I know from experience, I will have plenty to share with friends and neighbors!  the thing about Mesclun is that you don't pull it - you cut it about two inches up, and then it will keep on growing.  these plantings are on the north side of the bean poles, so I have to grow them now before the beans get too high and make this too shady.  although at the NW end, I will probably be able to grow mesclun all summer long - it gets some afternoon light, but doesn't get the heat of summer - lettuces like the cooler temps.  I love this mesclun mix - It contains Red Romaine, Simpson Elite, Salad Bowl, Royal Oak, Red Oakleaf, Red Russian Kale, Mizuna Mustard and Garden Cress.  this makes the best salad ever!  This is the salad mix you pay $7 to $10 a pound for in the markets.  Last year I used a small package that cost about $4-$5, still had seed left over, even after giving a third of the packet to my son in Seattle.  And we had lettuce all summer.  If you think it is too late for planting anything, you are wrong - you can keep planting until it gets too hot.  The heat of summer isn't always the best for lettuces, unless you have a spot that gets afternoon sunshine only.  If you are not ready to plant now, go ahead and get your area ready; you can seed in full sun areas probably in September, and keep harvesting until it freezes ( maybe longer if  you use row cover)

Well, I have more to post.  But will start a new posting for the next bit.

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